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How to compile Windrop 1.8.3

Download and install Cygwin, with the default base packages and the following additional packages:

For compression module
Make sure the default Tcl version include with Cygwin isn't installed.

Open the Cygwin Bash Shell

Download and install Tcl 8.6.8 (3.20MB), just extract file to root directory
cd /
tar -zxf tcl-8.6.8.tar.gz

Download eggdrop 1.8.3 source code from Eggheads

Extract eggdrop source code
tar -zxf eggdrop-1.8.3.tar.gz

Configure the eggdrop source code 
./configure --enable-strip

Configure the eggdrop modules
make config
Or configure the modules manually to choose exactly which modules you want to compile (By default all except woobie module are enabled)
make iconfig

Make the modules and the eggdrop itself
make eggdrop

Install the eggdrop
make install DEST=C:/eggdrop/

Remove symbolic links
cd c:/eggdrop/
rm modules
rm eggdrop.exe
mv eggdrop.exe-1.8.3 eggdrop.exe
mv modules-1.8.3 modules

Copy Cygwin and TCL dll files to eggdrop directory
cp /bin/cygcrypt-0.dll C:/eggdrop
cp /bin/cygcrypto-1.0.0.dllC:/eggdrop
cp /bin/cyggcc_s-1.dll C:/eggdrop
cp /bin/cygssl-1.0.0.dll C:/eggdrop
cp /bin/cygwin1.dll C:/eggdrop
cp /usr/local/bin/libtcl8.6.dll C:/eggdrop

Copy the TCL libraries
mkdir C:/eggdrop/lib
cp -r /usr/local/lib/tcl C:/eggdrop/lib
cp -r /usr/local/lib/tcl8.6 C:/eggdrop/lib

Only needed for the compression module
cp /bin/cygz.dll C:/eggdrop