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Windrop Downloads

These are Cygwin ports of the Eggdrop IRC bot, which will work on Windows 7, 8 and 10 systems.

Current version

Eggdrop v1.8.3 (22nd February 2018)
- includes botnetop 1.1.0-pseudo module, gseen 1.1.2 module and stats 1.3.3-pseudo module
- package size 4.93MB


Last version released for Windows 2000 and XP

Eggdrop v1.6.21 (18th June 2012)
For networks which only allow nicknames 9 characters in length (e.g. IRCNet, EFNet)
- includes botnetop 1.0.1 module, gseen 1.1.1dev3 module and stats 1.3.3.dev1 module
- package size 2.50MB


Eggdrop v1.6.21 Handlen32 (18th June 2012)
For networks which allow nicknames long than 9 characters in length (e.g. DALnet, QuakeNet)
- includes botnetop 1.0.1 module, gseen 1.1.1.dev3 module and stats 1.3.3.dev1 module
- package size 2.50MB


Last version released for Windows 95/98/ME

Eggdrop v1.6.19+ctcpfix (24th November 2009)
For networks which only allow nicknames 9 characters in length (e.g. IRCNet, EFNet)
- includes botnetop 1.0.1 module, gseen 1.1.1dev3 module and stats 1.3.3.dev1 module
- package size 2.77MB


Eggdrop v1.6.19+ctcpfix Handlen32 (26th November 2009)
For networks which allow nicknames long than 9 characters in length (e.g. DALnet, QuakeNet)
- includes botnetop 1.0.1 module, gseen 1.1.1dev3 module and stats 1.3.3.dev1 module
- package size 2.77MB


Older Windrop versions are available in the Files section of the SourceForge Project page

Git version
Git versions are in development, so use at your own risk!

Eggdrop v1.9.0
- includes botnetop 1.1.0-pseudo module, gseen 1.1.1-pseudo module and stats 1.3.3-pseudo module
- package size 6.1MB


Follow the installation instructions in install.win32.html
If you have problems read the Frequently Asked Questions

psyBNC Downloads

These are Cygwin ports of the psyBNC IRC bouncer, which will work on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP systems.

psyBNC 2.3.1 (11/02/2003) - package size 746KB No IPv6, script or SSL support


psyBNC 2.3.2-4 beta (27/10/2004) - package size 817KB No IPv6, script or SSL support
Note - Not compatible with older user files!


Check the psyBNC Introduction web site for psyBNC a setup guide, just ignore the 'Configuring and Compiling' section.